Jerk Chaotic System: Analysis, Circuit Simulation, Control and Synchronization with Application to Secure Communication


  • A. D. Adelaja
  • O. S. Onma
  • B. A. Idowu
  • S. T. Opeifa
  • C. O. Ogabi



Chaos, Control, Synchronization, Secure communication


Dynamical behaviors of 3D Jerk system were examined in terms of equilibrium, stability, dissipative, and phase space attractor in this study. The system’s practical applications were demonstrated through circuit realization and synchronization scheme via active backstepping control with its effectiveness demonstrated in secure communication. The viability of the theoretical model of 3D Jerk system was confirmed using electronic circuit workbench designed in MultiSIM enviroment. A nonlinear feedback controller was designed using the recursive backstepping technique to control and track a desire function. For secure communication application, active backstepping method was adopted to synchronize two identical chaotic systems evolving from different initial conditions. It was demonstrated that when the controller was activated, the systems synchronize successfully. The results of the active backstepping designed controllers were numerically applied in the area of secure communication, with the variable of the drive being encrypted information transmitted through a coupling channel. Using an additive encryption masking scheme, the encrypted signal was a superposition of sinusoidal information specified by period function and chaotic carrier generated from a variable of the Jerk system. The transmitted information signal was successfully retrieved from the chaotic response signal using an inverse function decryption algorithm, thereby confirming the effectiveness and robustness of the designed controller.


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