Investigation of Error Margin of Some Path Loss Models Over Digital Terrestrial Television Channel in Katsina Metropolis
Error Margin, Path Loss, DTTV, RMSE, Coverage FailureAbstract
Due to rapid development in mobile communication technology in recent times, strong signal coverage has become a major necessity. However, path loss is one of the major challenges against strong signal coverage. Several path loss models have been developed for predicting wireless signal coverage for urban, sub-urban and rural areas. However, the need to investigate which model can best predict losses in an environment becomes necessary. This work is aimed at comparing the Error Margin of some Path loss Models over Digital Terrestrial Television (DTTV) channel using the Star Times DTTV Channel within Katsina metropolis. Seven path loss predicting models for outdoor macro cell wireless communication were used. They are; Free Space model, COST-231 model, (developed by the European Union Co-operative for Scientific and Technical Research Team) Hata - Okurmura model, Plane Earth model, Okumura model, Ericson model and ECC model. The measurement campaigns were in two seasons, the wet season was in August and dry season in November, 2021. Both measured and predicted path loss values were computed using empirical models. Statistical error analysis based on the RMSE was carried out to determine the error margins between measured and predicted values. Based on the result of path loss assessment and error analysis, COST-231 with the lowest RMSE value of 13.49 dB which is within the acceptable range for sub-urban city is the most preferred amongst the investigated models for path loss prediction over digital UHF channel in Katsina city
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