Complete Synchronization, Anti-Synchronization and Hybrid Synchronization of Non-Identical Chaotic Financial Systems


  • K. S. Oyeleke
  • K. S. Ojo
  • A. E. Adeniji
  • O. I. Olusola



Chaos theory, Financial system, Complete synchronization, Anti-synchronization, Hybrid synchronization


Chaos theory, being a branch of mathematics that deals with disordered or random-seeming mathematical systems, is receiving more attention in market-related circumstances as financial markets become more unstable and the level of unpredictability becomes more prevalent. Understanding the potential of chaos theory, its limitations, and its relationship to traditional economic theories is essential for anyone working in the finance sector. Chaos theory is ideally suited for comprehending the financial market, which is subject to both internal and external influences due to its high degree of instability and growing randomness. This work examines the complete synchronization, anti-synchronization and hybrid synchronization of two non-identical financial systems. The nonlinear active controllers are designed, and the error dynamics stability for each phenomenon is accomplished by two theoretical approaches - linear system theory and Lyapunov second method. Controllers are designed by using the relevant variables of drive and response systems in such a way that the error variables are stable. The controllers, when activated, enable the drive and response state variables to achieve identical dynamics despite starting from different initial conditions. Numerical simulations are performed using the ODE45 algorithm embedded in MATLAB software package to show the feasibility and effectiveness of the designed controllers.


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