Concentrations and Health Risk Valuation of Possibly Toxic Metals in Soil and Sediment in Parts of Ona River, Ibadan, Nigeria


  • Saheed Adekunle Ganiyu Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria



Ona River, Heavy metals, Soil and Sediments, Quantification of contamination, Health risk


The accumulation of contaminants in the soils and sediments may negatively affects people within the vicinity of Ona River and increase potential of human health risk. This study appraised the concentration status, probable origins and human health risks of some possibly toxic elements (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Pb and Cd) in the riverbank soils (RBK) and riverbed sediments (RBS) of Ona River section bordering residential community in Ibadan, Southwest Nigeria. Therefore, six composite samples of RBK and RBD were analyzed for heavy metals using atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS). Enrichment factor (EF) and quantification of contamination (QoC) are used to examine potential origins of tested metals. Furthermore, hazard index (HI) and total cancer risk (TCR) have been utilized to evaluate the extent of non-carcinogenic and cancer risks of studied metals to inhabitants of the study site. The results of metal contamination assessment revealed low concentration <1.0 mg/kg for each analyzed metal in both RBK and RBD while EF and QoC advocate lithogenic origins of assessed metals with little or none anthropogenic inputs in both studied soils and sediments. The computed HI values were lower than 1.0 and thus no adversative health effects on adults and children via ingestion, skin contact and inhalation routes. The CR computation exposed that adults and children are at growing risk of developing cancer over a lifetime when exposed to RBK and RBD via ingestion and dermal pathways. Cadmium contributed largely to TCRs among the assessed metals. The study indicates the inevitability of initiating actions that reduce exposure of residents to nearby soil and sediment and safeguard their health, particularly the children.


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