Low Latitude Estimated Virtual Vertical Plasma Drifts Variation During Solar Minimum


  • O. E. Ehinlafa
  • Y. M. Liman
  • G. A. Àlàgbé
  • A. B. Abdulsalam
  • M. J. Johnson




Virtual Vertical Plasma Drifts, Pre-noon peak, Post-noon peak, PRE, Low latitude


Virtual vertical plasma drifts estimated from hourly virtual heights (h’F2) extracted from the digisonde found on GIRO’s website are used in this recent study by engaging the international quiet days (IQDs) conditions. Virtual vertical plasma drifts () estimated from low latitude F2-region virtual heights was examined over Ilorin (lat. 8.31°N, long. 4.34°E, dip lat. 2.95o) during solar minimum (SM), a station Located along the latitudinal hollow. The 10-international quiet days (IQDs) monthly averages across each hourly period of the day were used for the estimation. Two characteristics of  highlighted are the pre-noon and the post-noon peaks of the diurnal patterns for each season. The  pre-noon peaks magnitudes between 0800 LT and 0900 LT are 6.8, 14.4 and 15.0 m/s for June Solstice, Equinox and December Solstice respectively; and its post-noon peaks magnitudes around 1800 LT evening time are 0.8, 7.4 and 7.9 m/s foe December and June Solstices, and Equinox respectively.  displayed an enhanced phenomenon of slight-transitory spikes having magnitudes of -0.3 m/s (December Solstice) and -0.8 m/s (Equinox), and 3.6 m/s (June Solstice) around 1200 LT noontime. Finally,  depicted pre-reversal enhancement (PRE) night peaks for the entire season. The PRE peaks magnitudes are [(-4.0)–(-13.4)] m/s at 2000 LT, [(-4.9)–(-9.3)] m/s between 2200 LT and 2300 LT, [(-3.6)–(-6.6)] m/s between 0100 LT and 0200 LT and [(-3.0)–(-6.4)] m/s between 0300 LT and 0400 LT respectively for all seasons. Same phenomenon in the  annual pattern as showcased in the  diurnal patterns occurred. In general,  magnitudes were highest in Solstices and lowest in Equinox during solar minimum. The  gradually and continuous decay is ensued by the electrons hastily turnoff movement from the low latitude due to solar ionization for all seasons


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