Quantum Cryptography for Enhanced Data Security: A Comparative Survey of Data Encryption and Decryption of Error Correction


  • Matthew Tsepav IBB University, Lapai
  • Baba Alfa Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai
  • Y. Adamu Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai
  • Adesiyan Adedeji Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai




Data Security, Cryptography, Gaussian Backward Interpolation, Gaussian First Forward Interpolation Formula, ASCIIvalues, Cryptographic algorithm, RSA, Hybrid algorithm, SRNN, 2-Key pair


Data information security is a crucial concern that ought to be managed to help protect vital data. Cryptography is one of the conventional approaches for securing data and is generally considered a fundamental data security component that provides privacy, integrity, confidentiality, and authentication. In this paper, a comparative survey of Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) data security algorithm is proposed in order to compare their security strength. In doing so, we integrate traditional RSA and Gaussian Interpolation formulas to test their security level. The integration raised the security strength of RSA to the fifth degree,while the Gaussian First Forward Interpolation was used to encrypt the ASCII values of the message after which the traditional RSA was used to encrypt and decrypt the message in the second and third levels. Comparative data security analysis was performed using four different algorithms; RSA, SRNN, 2-Key pair algorithms, and the results showed that when the data size was small, the encryption and decryption times were lower for the proposed algorithm but higher when the data size was big. Thus the two public keys used and some mathematical relations made the eavesdropper not to get much knowledge about the key and therefore, unable to decrypt the message.

Author Biography

Baba Alfa, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai

Professor, Department of Physics, IBB University, Lapai


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