Hierarchical and Non- Hierarchical Cluster Classification of Precipitation Time Series Data in Nigeria


  • I. O. Agada
  • O. Peter
  • E. J. Eweh




Weather, Precipitation, Hierarchical cluster analysis, K-means, Nigeria, Rainfall, Climate


Precipitation is highly unpredictable over space and time, and is an indicator for climate change. The present work classified average yearly precipitation over the 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) in Nigeria into various groups. The hierarchical and non- hierarchical (k-means) cluster method was used in the classification of 37- years precipitation data (1984-2020). The results showed that six major clusters were formed. The Precipitation across the 36 states and the FCT in Nigeria can be classified as Light precipitation for Sokoto, Borno, Kastina, Yobe and Kano States; Moderate precipitation for Kebbi, Zamfara, Dutse, Yola, Gombe and Bauchi States; Heavy precipitation for Kaduna, Plateau, Kwara, Taraba, Nassarawa, Benue and Kogi States; Very Heavy precipitation for Osun, Ogun, FCT, Ekiti, Niger and Lagos States; Shower for Edo, Abia, Delta, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu, Ondo and Oyo States and lastly, Heavy Shower for Akwaibom, Imo, Rivers, Bayelsa and Cross River States.. The rangs of precipitation based on the six classification are 1.5-1.8mm (Light precipitation), 1.9-2.7mm (Moderate precipitation), 2.8-3.6mm (Heavy precipitation), 3.7-4.3mm (Very Heavy precipitation), 4.4-5.4mm (Shower) and greater than 5.5mm (Heavy Shower). The hierarchical cluster method performed better than the non- hierarchical (k-means) cluster method in structuring the precipitation data and shaping it into groups (clusters) such that observations within the same group are more similar than those in different groups. The results of this study can contribute to a better understanding of the climate condition of the36 States and the FCT in Nigeria.


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