Groundwater Protection Assessment using Frequency Domain Electromagnetic Method and Direct Current Electrical Resistivity Method in Papalanto South-West Nigeria
Leachate, Vulnerability, Resistivity, Tomography, Protective capacityAbstract
The aim of this work is to assess the extent of protection of the subsurface hydrogeological structures. Fieldworks were performed integrated geophysical techniques namely Frequency Domain Electromagnetic Method (FDEM) using Geonics-EM-34 to determine the vertical and lateral variations of subsurface conductivity probing depths of 20m, 40m and 60m, while subsurface profiles were obtained using Direct Current Resistivity (DCRE) with AGI Super-sting Earth Resistivity meter; current electrode spacing (AB) ranging from 1 to maximum of 100m and the potential electrodes (MN) were consequently changed from 0.25m to 5m respectively. 1141.92 mmho/m was recorded as the highest true conductivity value for the Horizontal Dipole in the second layer (Profile EMPAP5) while the highest true conductivity value for the Vertical Dipole in the first layer was 134.31 mmho/m (Profile EMPAP1). Four principal geoelectric layers inferred from the VES data where the Topsoil is partly lateritic and alluvium, Sandy Clay/Clay/Silt, Sand/Clay/Shale, and Limestone/Sandstone. Resistivity values for these layers vary from 9.78 to 1428, 1.46 to 1057, 1.46 to 451, and 15 to 10,000 Ω m with corresponding thickness of 0.5m to1.43m, 1.29m to 13m, 2.8m to 84.4m and infinity, respectively. The higher resistivity values at the surface and extremes of both edges were indication of little or no presence of leachates or contaminant plume accumulation in other area. Also, there was a noticeable general decrease of resistivity values of formation rock with depth in these investigated areas; this is an indication that the plumes must have infiltrated rapidly into the subsurface through the massive presence of weathered rock materials of average lateral distances of 15m to 167m of considerable depth and thickness of about 24.9m. The degree of leachate contamination range from 0.0007264 mho to 0.668 mho with the highest value in VESPAP2 followed by VESPAP13 and VESPAP19 while VESPAP22 exhibited the lowest conductance.
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